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10th of Flamerule 1495 DR

The Town

by Aela Eridani

I came across the small town of Stonewood, on the outskirts of the forest. Upon my arrival I met an old adventurer living in a house just outside of the town. He offered me aid, gave me food, water, and told me of the old abandoned barn just up to way. A place where I could seek shelter. It was the first act of kindness I had received from someone since my arrival on the material plane. All I've known before that were power hunger mages, cultists who worshiped an deity who no longer had control of this land. He was warm and kind... someone whom I could call a friend.

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  1. The River
    4th of Flamerule 1495 DR
  2. The Woods
    7th of Flamerule 1495 DR
  3. The Town
    10th of Flamerule 1495 DR
  4. A New Day
    11th of Flamerule 1495 DR
  5. The Earthen Bough
    12th of Flamerule 1495 DR
  6. Escape
    2nd of Flamerule 1495 DR