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Sat 2nd Mar 2024 09:11

Day One

by Thuersdai Evaine

I finally arrived at school. From Ama’s praise and Vorbilda’s description I had somewhat of an idea of what to expect, however, nothing could have prepared me for my fellow students and denizens of the Academy. It seems we’re to be an ‘eclectic’ bunch. I'm feeling rather overwhelmed by it all, and I can already tell that the tempo here will be vastly different from home.
On the way I was thrown together with a few other students, though, I must admit, conversation was sparse, and what conversation was had was mostly led by a boy of rather short stature, Gimizh. I'm not sure what to think, and so seems to be the case for him as well, as making connected speech proved to be rather challenging for him. He did, in a way, end up presenting some points, mostly in the form of questions and surmises. Maybe it is the custom where he is from?
Morgan, however, presented a rather stoic facade, and seemed rather unimpressed by the rest of us. I can't say I blame him. I did try to engage him on a topic he might enjoy, by asking him about his very interesting bone knife (it is my understanding that younger males of the shorter lived races find the topic of weapons engaging), but he seemed rather put off, and would not give me any details. Another custom, perhaps? I do hope to see more of him and his rather fetching horns.
There is a changeling here, Bead, seemingly presenting in their own skin, quite lovely. Gimizh seemed ignorant concerning changelings, and I have a sneaking suspicion that I might be the eldest among my class. Note to self, remember to write Evely about Bead, she would surely love to hear about them.
Arwen, school owner, had us all up on stage (help!) and questioned us individually about our goals and purpose here. I was not aware testing began so early in the school year, but I manage to squeeze something about wanting to learn more about myself and about these powers?
Corville house is exactly as I imagined, and I feel half in love with it already (having my own room certainly helps). My new roommates are Xavier and Gruglet, both of whom I do not have any strong feelings about, they both seem friendly enough, though Xavier does give me the impression of someone who spends a long time preening in front of the mirror (as to be expected from a Bard). Hopefully he does not decide one evening to whip out his mandolin and regale us with songs about wonderwalls and oases.

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  1. Day One