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36th of Teltal, 1578 A.B.

A Quest for a King

by Rebecca "Becca" Shadowstalker

We, the Chaos Children, or whatever we are called, beat the Trial of Three and proved ourselves worthy of the quest of the king. However, the quest wasn't as straightforward as it initially seemed. The king, for whatever reason decided that we- strangers- were to be trusted with the secrets of the kingdom and the responsibility to save it from certain peril.
Each member of the Chaos Crew prepared in their own ways, before heading out to "deal with" a hag that the king had dealt with once before.
On the way, we were attacked by moving plants. And Igni almost died. Nothing else of note happened that night, it is none of your business leave her alone.
Eventually we reached the hag's cottage and it was just a dump. It smelled bad, she smelled bad. She looked like a half rotten corpse (no offense Miri). She was evil and I hated her. But at least she was honest in her evility and I can respect that.
We made a deal with the hag and I drank a potion and nothing else of note happened. Shut up. No one asked you.
When I woke up the next day, my sister and other party members bullied me and ordered me around. I hate them.
They are still ordering me around.
We talked to the king and I wanted to yell at him. But I didn't... and that's called progress.

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  1. A Quest for a King
    36th of Teltal, 1578 A.B.
  2. "Deadly" Land of the Dead
    3rd of Sessam, 1578 A.B.
  3. I'm not crazy
    3rd of Sessam
  4. Mirror of Future Misfortune
    20th of Fellal