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31st of Morning Star

New Beginnings

by Tsabhi Siratamil

Tsabhi's finally found a contact here in Valia after months of scouting out. Tsabhi decided to take this hit from a man called Payter and to ensure that I succeed in it, Tsabhi's been tasked to join this party full of miscreates also. Tsabhi decided to attempt to take out my target by climbing into their quarters then assassinating them while they sleep tonight. Tsabhi's also decided to nab this journal from a local shop keep also to track my progress here in Valia. Wish Tsabhi Luck on her Assassination tonight!
It did not go well... Tsabhi managed to get in but the problem persisted were the bodies that Tsabhi left behind while getting to them. As the bodies piled up, the same couldn't be said on where Tsabhi could hide the bodies. Eventually, Tsabhi had to bail but not before Tsabhi almost got impaled by ballistas while trying to cross the moat. Tsabhi's party decided to assault the keep tomorrow morning so lets see how that goes.
So much for new beginnings... Again, Tsabhi's on the run from another city and another guild. Well, at least Tsabhi's got some companions now. Tsabhi and friends decided to head to a nearby town called Coalshire. So far, Tsabhi's goal of rebuilding her reputation and guild haven't made any progress at all. Maybe they'll have more luck on their next quest.

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  1. New Beginnings
    31st of Morning Star
  2. Prison Break
    24th of Rain Fall