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Summer month of Nebar

The Day the Sky Fell

by Nixie StormChaser

Yesterday was a mess. It started out fine, until my dreams were no longer dreams. Stars fell and one hit our grove. Mother looked at me with that look and all I had to say was "I told you!" but like always, she did not listen. Until it was far to late. We rushed over to the rift, our charge and what is normally a tiny little hole became a very large hole and very scary monsters where coming from it. I wish I listened more during classes about what comes from the realm beyond the rift. A woman with many arms and a snake body came out and for the first time, I saw fear within my mother. She quickly kissed me on the forehead and told me to survive as she pushed me through the tree. I am not happy.
As I fell into the darken woods I was greeted by a man who had an arrow pointed at me. He told me his name was Alec, he asked me where I was from and I had a hard time explaining to him I was from the trees and the forest. He decided to take me to the village, so I turned into a bunny so that we could be swift and quiet because I guess weird stuff was happening here to. Which if the sky feel in my home I'm sure it fell elsewhere.
So we traveled for a while until we made it to town and he took me to meet a very pretty Elven lady who gave Alec a hard time about a pet. He corrected her and she coaxed me out of my bunny form. Her name is Allanah, She feed me and helped me work out coin. I get to learn so many things and try and stop whatever else craziness might happen next. There was a couple who watched me intently as I interacted with Allanah. They didn't seem bad but honestly I was to tired to really figure that out.
That Night I dreamed of the next part of the end of the world. Monsters coming from the mist that comes from the falling stars. Then I saw a bright light telling me I was chosen, I told it that I could not be chosen, it must be a mistake. Then I saw a woman made of Ice and she offered me power, after that a raging sea and a booming voice that offered me the same but I could not speak to them before I woke up. I do not put much into Gods, though mother tried for years. I ended up falling back asleep for sometime before waking up very very hungry. Tree lag is very real.
So I wondered downstairs and there was a very large man talking to Allanah. When I say big I mean BIG. He looked like a strange lion. Allanah saw me and motioned me over and I joined them. I had a small interaction with the large man, whose name is Gigantus "Throne Seeker" Erestuniga. He seemed nice but I don't like being pat as he tried and I was prepared to stab him. This seemed to trigger something in Allanah.
I asked Allanah if she knew the entities that called to me in my dreams. She told me the Ice woman is Avalanna, who I guess I didn't want looking at me. The loud voice, she told me, was Tempest another one I didn't want looking at me. Yet both are and I am not happy about it. In fact I am rather annoyed. But I can't think of them now. But I needed to wash my dress because I was not clean after yesterday and I wanted to talk to the woman from yesterday. So I ask Allanah for a bath and proceeded to get my self presentable.
You know when you get all nice and happy and then something bad happens. That's pretty much what happened. So, I come down stairs clean and happy when a man bursts through the door yelling for Allanah. Something was going down. He was then stabbed and these gross abyss zombies began to attack. The large man and the man with the strange woman charged at them so I helped by keeping the monsters in place. The Woman also helped us get rid of them. After the townspeople started to take the icky monsters away to burn them. Both Gigantus and the strange man both lost their breakfast. So I decided to talk to the woman. She told me that she did not mean to make me feel weird but it was rare to see a "water genasi" which I guess is what I am? She said she had work if I felt the desire to earn coin, since I don't really know what else to do I accepted and she said to wait till the boys returned to tell me of the job in case the large one wanted to aid as well. (Oh her name is Adelea and her friend is Harbrom. He's very grumpy)
When they finally came back, she told us of the stars and how they have a rare material called Maltherium and every like a thousand years or something this happens. She also told us that the rocks will have other material but if we bring her some she will pay us and even gave us an "up front payment" which I guess is nice. So for now, I guess I have a partner in the mountain man.
We went and did a little prep shopping and I was able to get ribbons! Along with other things and but I think this world needs more colors and I will make it so! Once we were done, we headed out. It wasn't a long trip to but as we got there, we saw a fog. From within the fog I was a bug thing and asked if my companion liked bugs. For some reason he decided to use his horn and it came at us. Confusing us somehow, but we fought it and we won, with a little cuts. We traveled in the fog for a while until we found the star and put in a bag. On the way back we stopped and found a sliver the Maltherium in the bug monster and I felt the need to take the eyes. On the way back we stopped by a river and I decided to play a small prank on him to see how he'd react. I turned the water into a little dancer and it scared him well enough he thought it was a water demon. It was so funny, though I feel he was less amused. We returned to the town and Adelea was happy with our work and even bought the eyes from me! Which I gave a bit of that coin to Gigantus because he did help me fight the monster.
Before we turned in for the night I put a little rain cloud over Harbrom's head. He growled at me and Adelea thought I was insightful. Today was interesting and I don't know what's next but for now this seems fine.

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  1. The Day the Sky Fell
    Summer month of Nebar