Celebrations, Ruminations & Aberrations by Prudence | World Anvil

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Wed 2nd Mar 2022 06:48

Celebrations, Ruminations & Aberrations

by Prudence

As its bloody claws sink deeper into my chest, the beast opens jaws far wider than my head and lets out a defiant screech that reverberates around the icy cavern, echoing so deeply into my bones that it feels far colder than the frigid cave we are in. As I start to choke on the fetid breath issuing from the gaping chasm of it's mouth – are those maggots crawling around in its teeth? – it takes one defiant look at me, sneers like I'm not worth the effort for a meal, lifts me high above its head and flings me towards certain bloody death on the frozen spears of the stalagmites on the cavern floor far below. As I watch the icy spines rushing up at me all I can think is, "Did I really just wish a few days ago that I'd rather be anywhere else than on that accursed ship throwing up my breakfast over the railing each morning? I don't think I wished for THIS."
But I'm getting ahead of myself. As Volo always advised:

It's fine to hook them in with a bit of drama, but best to start any tale at the beginning.
— Volothamp Geddarm, from his collected essays, "Profiting Off the Publishing of Plundering: Is it really a Tale if it doesn't Sell?"


Guardians of the Dale

After more than enough days (weeks? months? YEARS?) on that accursed ship sailing from Waterdeep up the river of <>, I was so happy to finally feel solid ground beneath my hooves. Upon our landing in the Ten Towns area, Belias and I made our way into Byrn Shander and were nearly ran off the road by a wagon carrying one of the largest corpses of a frost giant I've ever seen in any of the anatomy books on Giants back at the libraries of Candlekeep. I was just getting ready to put ink to paper and start sketching the enormous beast when Belias shuffled me on ahead to our destination: The Northlook. Always the practical one, that one. Food first, a nice cup of tea, and a chance to rest in a bed that wasn't swinging to and fro were much higher priority. A dead giant can wait; it's not like it's going anywhere.
As we stepped into the sprawling inn and tavern of the Northlook, we were greeted by an unusual site: two gnomes were poised on top of an enormous metal construct spread across 4 or 5 tables and were performing some form of alchemy on it. It seems their permutations were successful as, with a great arcane burst of static, the construct began to speak, aware of its surroundings and friendly to all present. The proprietor, Reinaldo, was a little less friendly, at least to Belias and myself as we were informed the tavern was closed today for a special celebration and reunion. As I saw no signs of such a celebration and feeling that protocol demanded such decorations, I proceeded to magically create illusions of candles and other colored lights around the tavern and a fancy banner strung across the rafters in gold lettering for the occasion, much to the delight of the awestruck Reinaldo.
We were quickly invited to stay and were given introductions to all present and to the special celebrants of the day, The Guardians of the Dale:
  • Bulwark, a very tall and well battle hardened construct with a handsome bowler atop his head with purple trim that matched his eyes

  • Nix, a shady but smiling roguish lady with some nasty scars who popped in out of the shadows, and

  • Atalanta, a striking blue girl with a charming little otter, brandishing a trident who stepped into the inn right behind us

  • It seems one of their party was missing and we were just about to toast the group, when a commotion shattered the calm of the beautiful midsummer day.

    What Aberrant Behavior!

    A man's bloodcurdling scream followed by his body crashing through the main window of the Northlook brings all attention to outside the tavern. As Belias flings the doors open, we're greeted by a horrifying site of the once dead giant risen again and grabbing two men from beside the wagon in each hand and immediately chomping their heads off. As the two men die a horribly death, we're treated to an even more unsettling sight as a disgusting glistening black ichor begins to pour over both of the men, animating them in undeath and spouting tentacles and extra appendages. Belias manages to get two attacks off against the giant and then is attacked by one of the smaller aberrations and is instantly paralyzed. Bulwark, who had rushed to the man who crashed through the window is also attacked by the recently risen corpse and is also paralyzed. Nix jumps into action speeding outside and attacking the other aberration, slicing it down expertly
  • Shield Guardian, Banner, Ceremony

  • Aberration Attack

  • Ominous warnings and 'treaty' from the Black Swords?

  • Tea and Exposition

  • Icy Tundra and Dragon Attack

  • Netherese Skycoach, Green Flame Skulls and Ghost

  • Encounter with a Vampire

  • Netherese Priest and decisions

  • Worm Sign

  • Continue reading...

    1. Celebrations, Ruminations & Aberrations