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Fri 21st Jul 2023 11:09

The Silver Fox & his Pups

by Poppy Quickfoot

Those next few years were something else, let me tell ya! So, I met this guy, they called him the "Silver Fox," 'cause he was slick like that. He was the big shot runnin' the show in our little crime crew. Oh yeah, I joined a crew.
I was just a scrappy halfling, tryin' to survive in this gritty city. But when I crossed paths with the Fox, somethin' clicked. He had this presence, ya know? Like a shadow, but a powerful one. I could see he had the know-how, the secrets to a life beyond the mundane.
He saw somethin' in me, somethin' I didn't even know I had. With his guidance, my size became an advantage. I could vanish into thin air, sneak around like a whisper in the wind. Pickpocketin' was a piece of cake, and charm? Oh, please, I could charm a smile out of a stone.
The Fox took me under his wing, teachin' me the art of the hustle, the thrill of a perfect heist. We became like partners, a duo that couldn't be beat and with the others in our crew, we were like family. United by our love for danger and our desire to survive in a cutthroat world.
He didn't just teach me the ropes; he taught me to believe in myself. Showed me that bein' small ain't a limitation but a strength. With every job we pulled off, I grew, changin' from a timid halfling into Poppy Longpocket, sneakiest sneak in the city, a force to be reckoned with.
So as the heists got bigger and the calls got closer, I just hoped we could stay as we were, the family unit we had created. But nothing lasts forever in this world does it? Like everything else in my life he was taken away from me….

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