Wed 2nd Feb 2022 12:12

Letter to Nisha

by Lore

I've never been good with words or feelings, you of all people would know that. But so much has happened the past few weeks and I needed someone to talk to, someone I know. So... Akunda suggested I start writing you, said it would help me, even if I know you'll never get a chance to read them...
I feel so out of place in this land, with its purple giants and flying llamas (the locals call them Hippogriffs). Wherever I go, purple and jet black eyes turn towards me, follow my every move. It is so unnerving, the center of attention in every room. I'm used to slinking off into the shadows, hiding from the world, alone with my thoughts. I was always the best at hiding from the adults when it was time for a bath when I was little, do you remember? Slinking off to one of my many hiding spots in the burrows...
I try not to think about the burrows, about that night, about you. I know you wouldn't want me to. I haven't given up hunting down those responsible but Akunda says I need to make friends in this land, says that if I show my worth, they will return to the dunes of Vol'dun with me and finally free our people from the Sethrak. I hope he is right...
All in all though, today has been a good day. I've met royalty, made two new friends, Tellea and Kayenier, and even talked with a tree! Although they are both elves, in many ways, Tellea and Kayenier could not be more different, one timid and a little unsure, the other confident and fiery. All the same, I like them both, even if they have teased one too many times about putting me on a leash! They have obviously never seen a Vulperian soldier in action, although I am proud to say they have now! I like to think I would have made you proud.
Anyway, tomorrow is a big day and I still have some armor to make so I'll leave it here for now. I'll make sure to write to you again soon.
I miss you Nisha...
With you in spirit,

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