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Sun 18th Jul 2021 06:15

Vision of Gods

by Callys Melithannia

Spiral; healing
Crossed swords; fighting
Leaf; wilderness
Small Hut; home and farm; fleshy harvested spelt
Arcane Glow; powerful spellcasting
Behind in a semicircle, eight figures:
Beaver holding staff wrapped in silver; crossed swords
Arch with fruit acorns hanging; small hut
Half-red, half-blakc squireel; leaf and arcane glow
Pendulum with a weight made of huge serrated teeth; arcane glow
Heron on eon leg; arcane glow
Leaves spinning in whirlpool; crossed swords; leaf
Column of rain that glitters like stars; hut
Red hawk with golden eyes that is a little closer to me; spiral
Octet of voices: Daughter what will you serve

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