Fri 16th Jun 2023 02:50


by The Learned Lucius Vardamir

Lucius Vardamir, known by many as "The Shadow Scholar" or "The Learned," is a brooding and enigmatic human wizard hailing from the bustling city of Waterdeep. From a young age, Lucius displayed a remarkable affinity for magic, drawing the attention of local wizards who recognized his potential. Under their guidance, he honed his skills, studying diligently to unlock the secrets of the arcane arts.
However, as Lucius delved deeper into his studies, he became increasingly drawn to the forbidden arts of necromancy. Intrigued by the power over life and death it promised, he sought out hidden tomes and whispered secrets that delved into the macabre and morbid. In a desolate corner of Waterdeep's arcane library, Lucius stumbled upon an ancient tome, its pages filled with dark incantations and forbidden knowledge.
Unable to resist the allure, Lucius delved into the necromantic arts, consumed by his morbid fascination. He explored the line between life and death, raising the deceased and manipulating the forces that bound mortal souls. This path, however, came at a cost. Lucius became isolated, shunned by his peers who feared his growing mastery of the forbidden.
Haunted by inner demons and burdened by the weight of his choices, Lucius developed a reserved and introspective demeanor. He carried himself with a somber presence, rarely displaying emotions, and donning dark, tattered robes that accentuated his mysterious and foreboding appearance.
One fateful night, as he delved into his studies within his private sanctum, disaster struck. Unbeknownst to Lucius, a shadowy figure infiltrated his abode, stealing his prized spellbook, containing all his meticulously gathered spells. Devastated by the loss, Lucius vowed to track down the thief and reclaim his stolen knowledge.
Determined to restore his power, Lucius sought a temporary solution and acquired a "beginner's spellbook" to replenish his magical repertoire. Armed with this makeshift collection of spells, he set off from Waterdeep, venturing into the unknown, searching for clues that would lead him to the thief and the recovery of his spellbook.