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Thu 22nd Aug 2024 06:52

The Perfect Valet

by Lord Dominic Sterling

(This journal takes place after the events before meeting with Queen)
As the candle flickers in the dim light of my study, I find myself reflecting on the extraordinary service Edwin Lance has rendered to our household. The events of the past week—what I have come to think of as The Three Days—were nothing short of a tempest, and it was Edwin who navigated us through the storm with unwavering calm and dedication.
The tasks that fell upon us after our arrival in Donlon were both urgent and monumental. I can scarcely recall a time when so much was required of us in such a brief period. We attempted to secure ownership of The Carousel, a promising newspaper, but the deal fell through, much to my disappointment. In addition to this, there was the matter of engaging the contractors from House Boulderton to construct a private sanctum—a space shielded from prying eyes and ears by powerful enchantments. Finally, ensuring the safety of our staff became a pressing concern, leading us to commission magical glyphs of warding, each containing a teleportation spell that would transport them to a safe house outside Donlon in case of emergency.
Throughout these harrowing days, Edwin was my steadfast anchor. His efforts went far beyond the duties expected of a valet. It was Edwin who drafted the letters to the Boulderton contractors and the nobles involved in our various dealings, his eloquence and attention to detail ensuring that our intentions were clearly communicated and our interests well-represented. I have always struggled with the formalities of such correspondence, finding myself at a loss for the appropriate words. Edwin, with his calm composure and sharp mind, took this burden from my shoulders, allowing me to focus on the tasks that required my immediate attention.
Yet, it was not merely his competence in business matters that impressed me. During these three days, I was burdened with more than just the weight of our family’s affairs. The revelations about Nicholas, the prayers I offered to the Messenger Goddess for better communication with Elinor, and the unsettling events surrounding my uncle’s kidnapping—all of this weighed heavily on my heart. Edwin, sensing my distress, ensured that I had moments of quiet reprieve, arranging for meals to be brought to my study and keeping visitors at bay when I needed solitude. He even saw to it that the household ran smoothly in my absence, ensuring that our guests were attended to without drawing me into matters that could be handled by others.
It was his discretion that I valued most during this time. Though I have never spoken to Edwin about the turmoil in my heart, I am certain he could sense it. And yet, he did not pry or offer unsolicited advice. Instead, he provided me with the space I needed to process my thoughts and emotions, a silent understanding passing between us that spoke volumes more than words ever could.
I was deeply moved by his dedication, and once the storm had passed, I knew I had to show my appreciation in a meaningful way. I decided to send Edwin on a well-deserved holiday—a full week for him to do as he pleased, with all expenses covered and his wages paid in full. It was a simple gesture, allowing him the freedom to rest and enjoy himself wherever he wished, far from the demands of Donlon and our household.
Before he left, I made sure to express my gratitude, though I fear my words were inadequate. “You’ve done more for me and this family than I could ever properly thank you for, Edwin,” I told him. “I hope this holiday gives you a chance to rest and enjoy yourself, though it’s but a small token of my appreciation.”
Edwin, as always, was humble in his response, assuring me that he was simply doing his duty. But I could see the faint smile on his lips, a rare and genuine expression of contentment that warmed my heart. I watched as he departed, knowing that the household would be quieter in his absence, but also feeling a deep sense of satisfaction that I could give him something in return for all that he has given me.
As I sit here now, writing these thoughts, I am filled with a profound sense of gratitude for the loyalty and service Edwin has provided. In a world where so much is uncertain, where the burdens of duty and family weigh heavily upon my shoulders, it is a comfort to know that I have someone like Edwin by my side. His unwavering support allows me to face the challenges of my position with confidence, knowing that I am not alone in this journey.
I must remember to welcome him back with open arms when he returns from his holiday, and to continue finding ways to show my appreciation for all that he does. For without Edwin, I would surely be lost.
Dominic Sterling

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