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16th of Ia, 2077

Some time to myself

by Eric Aaron Hamilton

Today I awoke in Elspeth without my friends and had some time to myself for once.
It started with me noticing in the reflection of the sea that I look dead and have learned the spell prestidigitation to mask it from everyone else.
Then I found a place which as some amazing tea and it just took my hangover right away
I learned where I was exactly after that and it turns out Kyad had sent me to Seltens and It seems that The Republic of Ress is allied with the Victoricci well Seltens remains neutral
finally before I took to reading the books I had on me I settled a personal matter and using my kazzoo i played a song to summon the Lord of Krakens and I said to him while bowing "I did not summon you to kill you, I would like to apologise for my behavior I wasn't thinking right and you didn't deserve what I did to you I truly am sorry and I hope we can move on and if not I understand, I got this for you anyways it might not make up for what I did but it's a gift i hope you will accept" I then handed him a bottle of rum and left, I think he may have seen how my eyes really looked but I am not sure

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  1. The Day Everything Went Wrong
    some time
  2. A interesting two days
    14th of Pricus 2077
  3. Nothing will be the same
    21st of Pricus 2077
  4. We found the thing
    2th of Yull 2077
  5. Wish List
    1st Yull 2077
  6. Some time to myself
    16th of Ia, 2077
  7. The Future