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6 Pharast, 537 Era of Men

The Storm

by Milo Windby

Here I sit in a cave with two strangers, what a couple of days its been, I lost my last journal, in the storm so I best start anew in these pages. Well lets see, I think it all starts with the storm:
6 Pharast, 537 EM
The storm must have blown in fast as we didn't have time to properly secure the rigging, I was woken in the night as I hit the floor, thrown clear of my hammock in the hold by one of the swells.
By the time I made it to up on deck it was chaos! The rigging was getting blown every way all at once, ropes whipped, and even the mighty mast was creaking and beginning to splinter. Then I saw one of the crew, I think his name was Santon, tangled in a line, seemingly strangled lifeless by it, I knew I wanted to be free of this vessel. What had, until now, been stability and home in a vast open sea was trying to be the death of us, lashing out with its rope tendrils, and wooden splintered spears. I was determined not to let it take me down into the abyss with it. I found a couple other crewmen, gods I don't even remember who they were now, Rolf and Stewart maybe, attempting to unlash one of the shore boats. I made myself useful and undid a few of the tangled knots, they two, larger than I threw the boat into the angry sea and I jumped in after them. The next few hours felt like days, they rowed, and I used one of my simple spells, Mage's Hand to lift water from the hull to attempt to keep us afloat. eventually, close to dawn, we finally made it to shore.
The storm was finally breaking as the sun came up, there was a small fishing village just down the rocky beach. The three of us, without a word dragged ourselves toward the village. I don't remember where they went, but I smelled food, and a halfling's mind is never far from food. I wandered into some kind of Inn, it was packed wall to wall with what must have been towns folk sheltering the storm. I kind Dwarf, who looked like he could use a few hours of sleep greeted me kindly and served me a proper flagon of ale. I don't remember if I even finished it or not before I found a corner and faded into sleep.
A few hours later, after cleaning myself up a bit, I was approached by an exotic beauty and her large muscular friend. She asked me if I knew anything about Ao-Jin, or the Azure Star. I vaguely remember crossing a note in the library, it seemed mostly gibberish at the time, but it mentioned the Azure star and likened it to a blue seed or something of the sort. Interesting. While we were talking a barmaid told us that some suspicious looking fellows breezed through town and left on a ship not 3 days earlier, their robes adorned with blue stars, and she said they were headed off for a place called Eda Rhyne. What unexpected happenstance, perhaps this exotic beauty could be my path to continue the work the Headmaster set me on. Best to stick with them for now and stay on their good sides, as they seem sturdy and capable.
After gathering some information and asking around town for information about the north side of the island, as that's where the berobed men came from. We learned a local legend of a pirate lord who destroyed the northern village and hid his ship and treasure somewhere on the Island. Seemingly thin at first, we then met a young man who carried with him a strange coin that he and his friends found near the ruins of the northern village, and swears that there is more to the legend than just old maids tales.
So off we set, trekking north to see what we can make of this Cyclops Bill, the supposed pirate lord, and figure out just how many eyes he really had, my money is on two, pirates love to boast.
The forest proved to be wild and unpredictable, throwing some arcane oozes, some sort of goblinoids, and a curious fey creature, in our path, but has not stopped us yet, but this Island clearly has some unusual secrets and magic to be found. I expect we have not seen the last of that odd fey fellow, and I've made some notes on his magics in my spell book.

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  1. The Journal Entry’s title
  2. The Storm
    6 Pharast, 537 Era of Men
  3. The Vine Zombies
    8 Pharast, 537 Era of Men
  4. Inferno II: Electric Boogaloo
    12 Pharast, 537 Era of Men
  5. The Keep on the Mysterious Isle
    16 Pharast, 537 Era of Men