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13th of Flamerule, 1495 DR

X Marks The Spot

by Ragnos

ᐧ 13th of Flamerule, 1495 DR
Well, that was an odd day. One that only brought more questions by its end…
For now, none seem to recognize this coin. However, I haven’t had the opportunity to question many we’ve encountered. Nor they the ability to answer. Though I’ve stayed my hand when possible, I cannot predict when I will be called again no more than I can control Aela’s rage or Boddington’s, well…Boddington in general.
After the others awoke, we made for Joybringer Ineack, a priestess of the goddess called Liira. This is not a name that stirs any meaning or resonance within me, yet I understand she is revered by her followers. They seem compelled to rid themselves of their clothing and revel in her name. One such reveler was a tiny shade of a man, I believe his name was Arof. We learned he kept another cultist in his cellar, and how he survived the encounter is beyond me.
This cultist made the mistake of insulting Aela, and was…unable…to answer any questions. Sask’s timing was curious, but I felt no need to hide the body from him. He hired us to safeguard the city, and one more dead cultist should be more a relief than a burden. His only concern was that the body be removed from Stonewood, and I obliged.
We thought to travel ahead of Dorgo and clear the path between the town and Mussum, to ensure a safe journey. After some bartering, he agreed to let us take his wagon. Asmodeus’ map signified an area of interest, in which we found various baubles and items, but were shortly thereafter beset by bandits.
I found the cultist’s body useful in dispatching one of these curs, Boddington proved his aim steady once more, and the Elves were both more than formidable in battle. I find myself surprised by Asmodeous, I would not have assumed him to take to combat so quickly but he too has proven a valuable ally.
These bandits had signet rings made of Jet, matching similar markings upon their person in the form of a dagger. I took anything of value or use from the one I offered the Matron, but Asmodeus found a letter upon another.
We decided to return to Stonewood, the day was nearing its end. Any remaining threats can be attended to along the way to Mussum, surely. As we traveled, I couldn’t help but shake a familiar feeling. A vision, perhaps? Landmasses suspended in the sky to the West. Is such a thing possible?
Returning to Stonewood, Touris was agreeable to the same arrangement – I would watch after the Earthen Bough as he and the others rest, and I do so now, as I fill these pages with yet more questions.
Tomorrow, we will head to Mussum alongside Dorgo. Perhaps there, those he seeks to trade with may be able to tell me something, or anything, of this coin. Where is it from? Why does the visage bear such a striking resemblance?
Perhaps I will hear her call once more, as well. Was today’s offering insufficient?
Until tomorrow.

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  1. Stonewood
    12th of Flamerule, 1495 DR
  2. X Marks The Spot
    13th of Flamerule, 1495 DR
  3. Lord of the Rotted Tower
    14th of Flamerule, 1495 DR
  4. Steward of Earth
    15th of Flamerule, 1495 DR