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Tue 3rd Nov 2020 05:05

A Journeys Beginning

by Sive

On my pilgrimage to find a group of noble warriors, adventurers, and heroes, I failed at many stops to find any willing souls to come forth and go on a journey of glory. Until I came across the town of Norton. On my way to the tavern I came across a strange child hiding under a wagon; however, when I questioned him about who he was, who he knew, or where he was from, he gave me the same answer for every question, "I don't know". I took him under my wing because... well I couldn't let a child roam the streets alone. I'm not a motherly person but here I was. After that strange introduction to Ninfinger, I walked into the tavern and stood upon the table and announced my grand quest for glory and redemption for the fallen gods. Not one of the patrons was willing to join me, it seemed like none of them was phased of my existence. I slumped into my seat next to my new childish friend and drank my ale. Until a curious jewelry endowed elf approached me and asked more about my quest for honor and glory for the gods. A sign from Kylesa for sure, a willing brave soul to join me in my quest. Once the elf approached me, many other patrons came to my table questioning me. However, it was honestly embarrassing to admit that I didn't know the full detail of Kylesa's plan. But I knew she was watching me and would contact me in her grand and mysterious way. Sometimes I wonder if Kylesa is playing a cruel joke on me for deciding to be a paladin in her name. A wretch such as me. With my new found companions, a quite glorious friendship is soon to flourish. A halfling named Ninfinger, an elf named Zaza, a Kor name Tarsun, another human named Sirene, and a Kobold named Rojo. A ragtag group of adventurers to be sure, but the stories I used to read as a girl were always comprised of the most of unlikely companionships.
That night I rented a room, and I reluctantly gave my bed to the child. Gods was I tired from my pilgrimage but a paladins journey is never easy I suppose. Meanwhile, while I was sleeping, a knock at my door interrupted my slumber. It was that mumbling bard. Kylesa why do you test me. He took me to another room and asked me to do something despicable. He wanted me, a paladin clad in armor and with high honor to withhold, to get rid of a rival bard. What kind of lowlife scum did this grumbling buffoon think I was. ME? Do a sort of squabble spat between two bards? I sneered at his offer I returned to my room.
The following day, our new fellowship went on our first bounty board quest together. We agreed to fight bulettes. I thought it was going to be simple. I was wrong. It was not simple. All I remember from the ordeal is running into a room trying to protect my friends and ended up being side swiped by one of them and passing out. As I awoke, in my short fused temper, went to seek revenge on these vile creatures and assisted my friends on vanquishing the other. Through a group effort we managed to fend off the bulettes and ultimately completed our first quest. We turned it into the Guild of the Iron Key and learned more of it. I feel like I will like these people, the dwarf representative reminded me so much of home. A simple person, no fancy attitude, no holier than thou demeanor, just a down to earth dwarf.
I hope our future adventures are found to be prosperous and bountiful.
In your name.

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  1. A Journeys Beginning