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Sun 11th Apr 2021 05:35

The Team That is Yet To Be Named

by Jancer Stridebow

We met Brava Hadura. Union person in charge of Evergreen
Patience, the southern nhp, and Edna the black lady with a whispy white robe and hair tied up.
Heavy artillery took out a homestead up the river.
Castor fielding the engineer to fix the pumps is under fire.
The pumps need fixin but not before we take out the sniper!
We start off the battle spreading out to the left and right of some cover. The enemy advanced on us as Biggs and Pietro moved forward along the left line of trees. The veteran advanced towards us lining up with the elite and cast out a haze that hid him from view.
Boo ended up barraging elite mech hitting them with his cyclone pulse rifle, knocking them for 10 damage. The thumper ammo he uses causes an explosion and knocks the other mech back. It seems to do a lot of damage.
A voice comes over the coms, "Nice shootin Tex." Briggs sounding almost a little bored, yet still impressed with the damage done.
Silence for a moment, then a shot rings back at us. Boo was struck and his sensors went on the fritz. Seeing him stunned for a moment Embry stepped up and deployed a drone.
Shooting a barrage that is a near miss. The squadron near the drone takes off west across the meadow.
Judgement stepped up to take aim. Throwing a turret towards the enemy veteran and pulling up the anti-material rifle to his shoulder he fired on the mark.
Slow Poke charged in to the veteran behind the bushes getting in some up close combat. Narrowly missing with the shotgun. Throwing up another turret.
Biggs moves east towards the elite and shoots through the trees. Smacking the veteran in the center of his mech. Though it's difficult to see, the veteran inside his obscure bubble slumps to the ground. The two newly deployed turrets firing shots at the veteran.
The squad seeing Clanky firing at the veteran moves forward with a rocket barrage. Landing a hit for some damage.
Embry pops open some cover and fires at the elite.
The elite steps back and pops Clanky for some damage, taking off the manipulators. Small arms on the
Judgment takes his toll from the man in the elite mech. Firing a shot straight through the mechs chassis. An explosion of molten metal erupts from the mech and it falls to the ground.
"What a waste 3 shots and nothing hits." Embry stepped forward with a pistol he skirmished with the squad hitting them for a bit of damage.
The veteran turns and makes a run for it when Slow Poke turns with a shotgun. Behind him from where they started you see Judgement slowly shaking his head yes. The power was there from Biggs as well. She was surveying the scene focusing on her breath, slowly in and then out, almost like one, as Pietro took the shot. The veteran couldn't take another step. Falling over from his legs being chopped out from under him.
Boo sets off a grenade that turns the turrets in the direction of the remaining squad. Destroying the squad and the combat is complete.

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  1. The Team That is Yet To Be Named