Thu 15th Feb 2024 03:05

session 1

by Flint Nightingale

DND first Session
Johan and I continue or trek to Nimery the journey has been uneventful from ______. We have decided to spend the night in the way town of Khasa at the Gilded Dragon Tavern. While we dine, we are approached by a Mr. Bill Cant, a caravan master who wishes to hire us to guard his trading caravan along the road. We settle on a price of 6g/day and we will part with the caravan at the crossroads to Nimery.
Mr. Cant, indicated that his concern is passing through and around the town of Orlane. I need to investigate this further while on the road. After Mr. Cant returns to his table, Johan states the name “worshipers of the Primordial Eye” and sees that Mr. Cant has a noticeable reaction. I’ll have to give Johan more leeway to investigate on his own.
As I finished my meal another patron approached our table, a hobgoblin. Interestingly, this hobgoblin, shows concern for our safety in taking this contract. He tells us that he overheard our mentioning of “the order of the primordial eye” and knows of a similar cult operating further north and they are quite capable.
Mr. Cant informs us we will be leaving an hour after noon so that we can camp just outside the forest. Then make it through the forest in one day.
Investigation: The Order of the Primordial Eye

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  1. session 1