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Tue 12th Jul 2022 08:18

Dear Emna

by Delus "Del" Demarco

Dear Emna,
I hope this finds you well, sorry for the mess I left. I hope you and the rest of the girls are doing ok. I'm writing to you first since I knew you'd take it the hardest if I didn't, don't tell the others, I'll be writing to them before long too. As I am writing this I am in the hold of the "Regus," a shoddy little ship, quite the very opposite of its name. I've been traveling overseas for near a week now, thankfully I've gained my sea legs, and I've already learned so much. Near a quarter of the crew hails from Hammundur, they apparently headed south because of some Psionic trouble to the north, interesting!
The Kalen fish is a delicacy which one must grow accustomed to, the odd rough texture of its meat reminds me of fowl rather than fish, and that's the least of it. I've seen this fish fly along the surface of the water like an arrow, they followed our ship as it passed Jigsaw reef, and I watched in amazement as the fish drew up alongside the ship nearly overcoming it. It was as though we were sailing through a rainstorm of fish. And the smell! Oh the smell, it was as if the ocean itself grew sick and emptied its very bowls onto the deck of the ship.
I was also shown several types of sailor's knots and have been practicing them as I while away the hours. I've been learning anything I can about this strange land to which I travel. Where we go I cannot say, as I wish to keep you safe, and I have no guarantee this will make it to you, and not those that hunt me, but needless to say it is a place of fortune! I'm going to continue to provide for you, and the rest of the family so both you and Mother can relax. I'd never just abandon you.
Up above I can hear the sounds of the crew, the lookout calling from the crows nest "Land Ho!" and it seems I have finally arrived. I will write to you again as soon as I am able. Let Mother, Stella, Florence and Octavian know I love them.
I love you little one.

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  1. Dear Emna