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4th October, 1956

4th October 1956

by Dr Klaus Schildknecht

Following Sam's freakout, I, Doktor Klaus Schildeknecht, have decided to continue his journal for now. As perhaps described above, we had just run into a room full of bloodied tables used for what appears to be poking into people's brain tissues. As we investigated, we became aware of a rather sizable reptile attempting to make its way into the cavern. We had no choice but to put the impertinent thing down. As its vile head exploded, I was covered in its nasty fluids, melting my suit half off! Such rudeness. After an hour of work, we cleared the creature from the path and returned to the central chamber. Frank is now convinced that since I am unprotected from ze radiation, I am now a radiation beast, and thus a subject of fear. We have continued further down into the depths of the blowhole, passing by several recesses. Walking for 15 minutes, we stumbled upon an electric light. Continuing on without torches, we heard some distant voices, at least two, speaking German, although I am unsure of what they were saying. It's not a racial thing. We're not all bad guys. Approaching stealthily, Rosemary came across the same scene as upstairs, with bodies on the tables. Helene, my father-in-law, General Ludendorff and a white-haired Liesl were discussing within also; Helene saying everything was ready, just needing a power surge. Helene attempting to force Liesl to do something about connecting with the bodies in the room against her will, I was unable to control myself and stepped forward to defend my child, who came running to me. Helene has tried to convince me to return her, stating that all her work and mine would come to naught if I did not, and her efforts were to "bring curing and life to the world". As the argument got more and more agitated, Leisl began to back away towards her mother, telling me that Helene had revealed to her some of my work in that damned lab in Poland. I tried to defend myself, but found I was too distraught to talk, and before I could muster any sensible words, my comrades had appeared. Erich pulled a gun on my daughter, shots flew, and before I could take more than a step he was dead and Liesl had been shot in the arm. Pulling herself from my attempt to hold her close, Liesl blamed me for her grand-father's death and began to emit a power I have never seen before... Alice, taking potshots at Helene, found her bullets ineffective and Liesl's release of power left us blinded, her and her mother gone, and my heart shattered...

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  1. 4th October 1956
    4th October, 1956
  2. On the Island: Klaus' Notes