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Thu 5th May 2022 07:50

Stories from the Moonlit Burrow - Day 28

by Tellea

Day 28
Day twenty-eight and it is still just myself and Lore in The Burrow. I am starting to think I was foolishly optimistic to have made such a grand table for our base, which is large enough to seat at least eight of my brothers and sisters. I often wonder what adventures Kayenier and Thalrian are on and whether I shall ever see or hear from them again.
Over the past month Lore and I have spoken about the lives we have led and told stories of our past adventures. We have taught each other small phrases and words from our respected languages and traditions and have even created our own hand signals whilst out gathering supplies. We have become quite the unlikely duo, foraging and gathering supplies when needed and I am glad to have had him by my side throughout this turbulent time. The smell of fish still bothers me but has muted itself ever so slightly, I have found that it has started to bother me less and less with each passing day that we are here, although I shall never let on to Lore.
Elune still has not presented me with a sign, but I feel more at peace with my decision to stray from my orders and somehow, I feel like it was the right thing to do, but maybe I am just lying to myself. I have faith that when the time is right, Elune will send a message or sign to guide me through the next steps of my journey. When that comes, I shall be ready for whatever challenges I must next face. But for now, I will wait in this cave and continue my scribblings.