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Fri 29th Jan 2021 08:55

Entei Keylana, 37, Latus Elf, Wizard

by Entei Keylana

Where was the Character Born?
Born in Bengrex in 315, fled to Odeka in 317, then fled to The Pinnacle in 330.
Who are their parents?
a. Are the parents/family still alive?
Elixian and Elena Keylana, still alive, living in The Pinnacle. Elixian is a Gloom Stalker Ranger and Elena is a Shadow Magic Sorcerer & Potion Maker. They made their lives in a potion shop in Bengrex called "The Elixirium." Elixian, as a skilled ranger, had spent his days collecting herbs, while his wife did most of the potion brewing.
What was your character doing before the adventuring life?
Mostly reading. Entei is a lover of all things written, a true scholar. He would study magic under his mother, Elena, as he hated going outside, unlike his father. However, even with his mother’s tutelage he never could quite grasp the magical talent of sorcery. So, with his clear fascination with magic he would read and dream as much as he could about magic and specifically, how it could cause the massive geographic change that has torn the Material Plane.
Why did your character leave their previous life?
After studying the spell scrolls for a few years and with nothing but himself, some assistance from his mother, and his books, he finally inscribed his first spell from one of the spell scrolls into the spell book. As soon as he understood the mechanics of inscribing said spell, he was able to manifest that magic. He finally found his calling. This was his main motivation to leave the home and venture out in search for more powerful spells and to feed that hunger for knowledge.
What did your character leave behind?
His parents and the Potion Shop of course. Potential debt to whatever criminal organization he stole his scrolls/book from? (Dunno if this'll be usable for later in the campaign).
What does your character want? (motivations)
Entei has always been marveled at what his mother could do with her magic. He also shares her love for potion making and drives to learn as much as he can. After discovering his magic talent lied in wizardry rather than sorcery, for the first time, he now has a new need to explore and learn how to master his talent. He wishes to make his own mark on the world like the wizards of the past had done. (Referencing Red Waters/Sunfar Pass/The Thicket/Lilypad Lake) He also very much wants to visit these places.

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  1. Entei Keylana, 37, Latus Elf, Wizard