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Fri 24th Feb 2023 05:52


by Antwan Rafalle

Antwan sat quietly as the others slept. Somehow once easy slumber, he now still, quiet, unable to sleep. He knows only one way to rest. Grabbing a bottle of whatever was around, drained until the numbing ease of warm embrace. Alone tonight, this the only comfort in a brutal world.
Hell has become upon us.
Opening ever closer to Derrstock.
Hanson was swallowed up by Hell itself pledging himself to a great war.
Vesperra and I mused at us facilitating this by allowing only the one Religion - following Asamodeus. We will look into the matter once we return to Derrstock operations. A cleric Goliath, Believer of Grumpsh, heard of war. Rimblings dealing with Derrstock. He may do well in a new vacant religious minister.
The Mirrorad was a false hope of prosperity. Only a clue to an opportunity, not bounty itself.
Zepher has proved a good ally. I share his compassion for reward, and combat prowess.

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