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Tue 29th Sep 2020 08:56

On the nature of planar attunements and Mandelbrötchen-Kuchenkopf events.

by Ernst Yalgeth

The purpose of this study is to demonstrate that Mandelbrötchen-Kuchenkopf events (hereafter referred to by their common label, Mistrises) are not, as up to this point been believed to be the case, interplanar phenomena, connecting a particular location on Abeir-Torril with various other planes. Instead this paper will demonstrate that while a Mistrise may in fact move through some extraplanar space, the terminus of each end of the event is in fact a location on the prime material plane. The effects of extraplanar magics like Banishment suggest that while these endpoints are on the prime material plane, they are still in some manner dimensionally separate. All data points to the fact that just as the astral separates the prime from the outer planes, and the etherial separates the prime from the elemental planes, there is some third barrier between distinct and discrete regions of the prime material plane.

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  1. On the nature of planar attunements and Mandelbrötchen-Kuchenkopf events.