Kobaltu draugai mate kelis orkus judanciu i vakarus.
Vienas is penkiu kobaltu turejo sparnus.
Iskrenda penki kobaltai, grizo tik vienas svytintis melynu atspalviu.
Pasirodzius zaliam menuliui atsidaro portalai i feywild arba lengviau juos atidaryti.
Garekas dauk loja, mazai kanda sadface pepe sadge
Bet veliau nusileidzia ir iveikia boarpeople, Ginko tiksliau, jie is feywild
Upe suka link siaures. Pjaustai svogunus ir verkiu.
Pasekus kobaltus randam demona suni, kuris saugo sprogusi arkanini prietaisa ir jo sukes.
Garekui pavyksta isrolinti 18 ant performance!
Blankas dar viena monstra sunaikina su savo neitiketina magija.
With guns... adrenaline...
...it's my thing
We should get a bunch of people to go.
Do you guys wanna go see...
..."Face Punch"?
"Face Punch"? Yeah!
Mike, hey, we were supposed
to watch that?
Remember the trailer's like...
Punch his face in.
I don't remember that.
Movie night with Bella!
So, "Face Punch", huh?
You like action movies?
Not really.
I heard it sucks. Bad.
Hey, are you even old enough
to see this movie?
I mean, you know, without adult supervision?
Right, yeah.
Well, she's buying my ticket for me.
She's buying it, okay.
Jessica bailed
and Angela's got the stomach flu
...so Eric's taking care of her.
So, it's just us three.
Put the gun down.
Put your gun down or I'm gonna
blow your freaking head off.
Both of you!
Put both of your guns down or I'm gonna
blow both of your freaking heads off.
Alright, let's do this!
Okay, I think I'm gonna throw up!
What a marshmallow!
You should hold out for someone
with a stronger stomach.
Someone who laughs at the gore
that makes weaker men vomit.
Yeah, I'll keep my eye open for that.
I feel bad.
He probably has that flu that's...
...going around.
What? I can't hold your hand?
No, of course, you can.
I just think it means
something really different to you.
Okay, tell me something.
You like me, right?
And you think, I'm sorta beautiful?
Jake, please...
don't do this.