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Mon 20th May 2024 01:24

3rd Log. Resting.

by Sir Ember Fang

After we left the vault, I went to turn Robin to the security station as it would take time for the guardians to arrive.
It went as expected, aside from needing to wait a week for them the transfer was smooth. Or did I black on that part. I know I was there in the office and was thinking about something. Next memory I have is at a open mic joint, with Talia greating me.
Talia and Yunseul did there own performance, it was by far the best ones of the evening.
Through some conversation the Kid bet us on who could ride the most rides. The lines were very long but I noticed the normal thing to do is make groups wait in them all and join up on the one who got to end the fastest but besides literally everyone else doing this Yunseul and Talia adamantly refuse to this tactic.
Ultimately in the end Yunseul signaled us that her line was the fastest and only I showed up. So I guess Soot and Roach were against it as well?