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Fri 2nd Sep 2022 07:47

An agreement is made.

by Ithnis (RETIRED) Xenides

Fance walks with purpose from point to point, asking their crew and hosts for directions while looking over a proudly broad shoulder, alert while intent on finding the missing member of whatever this unfortunate band was becoming.
Ithnis would be easily found - likely standing at self appointed post nearby the house we've been at. Alert, scanning the area, serious.
A small, joyous clap heralds a relaxing sigh, "Ah~ Wonderful, there you are Ithnis! It was quite the little pinch we were in. Are you alright? Did you sleep?" Fance is beaming down at her with a wide smile, the slightly bloodshot eyes giving away how tired and stressed they really are.
She gives a nod towards them, before returning her gaze across the streets nearby. "Well enough on both counts, considering."
Fance stands beside Ithnis with a stiff lean against a particularly sturdy wall, joining them in keeping watch in the meantime with an admiring glance of their posture as they cross their arms. "Oh yes, that was the closest I've gotten to dying in weeks, such a terrible turn of events. But we're still alive, hm?"
A slight side-eye watching Fance settle in beside them. Another curt precise nod. "An awful lot of risk for little return, besides the warm bodies." A brief pause. "I am glad all are safe, though."
"Safe as we can be, for now. A lot more work ahead of us but we did bring back some armour, a few weapons. Which begs the question of what you're doing?" Fance is looking straight at Ithnis, their tone curious, a quirk of the brow and pointedness of their head inferring more than has been explicitly asked.
Several beats go by, enough to be awkward or irritating depending on one's temperament. She turns and squares up to Fance, not in an aggressive way -- simply showing full attention is now given. "Trying to see through settling an old wound." This also can be interpreted in several ways....
Fance's brow furrows, they look away with a theatrical, thoughtful pout and a cock of the head, letting that sit for a moment before looking back to Ithnis with the smile dropped. "Vyrna offered you answers and frankly that worries me. I don't know you, but I know you stood when the opportunity to fight back and save me was presented. We're going to be a lot stronger working together and I need to know if you're staying to join us or if this quest of yours is more important."
They turn their head away for a moment, weighing the question it seems. "That's difficult to answer. What is it that you want most from this world right now? What choices would you make to have it?"
She looks back at Fance again. "I know how to be a soldier. I can help you all the best I know how, but if I'm to lay my life down for something other than my own goals then it better be for something that has tangible purpose to the greater community. Otherwise I could be back home getting bloodied for the Empire."
Fance listens passively as Ithnis works through their words. On the note of the Empire a silence lingers, waiting a beat before saying anything of it. Taking a deep breath, eyes closed in a pensive preparation and a briefly tensing jaw, Fance speaks softly, "We're putting together plans for how to defend our position and establish talks to try and unite with other settlements and make sure, if we need to evacuate, we have somewhere to go... So, I'm fighting for what I've always wanted most, and what I've tasted and want for everyone else stuck in this. I want to be free, once from the Empire, now from this infernal tyranny, and I would love to see you fight with us for that too. We're going to change it all for the better, how does that sound?"
Ithnis watches their face through this, trying to read something perhaps. If Fance is perceptive, there is a glimmer of emotion at the final question, the possible implication laden in some of the small speech. Something resonates. "It sounds ideal. I wish I knew more details of certain things, to give you an enthusiastic vote of contribution. I don't like what I see happening here, and I am on the side of the people having freedom to live as they want. It's a conviction I am willing to fight for, honestly. It is possible our goals overlap more than I first thought, too, but I don't have enough pieces yet."
Unfolding her arms, shifting her weight on the skeletal false leg a bit, Ithnis sticks out a hand: "I will say you have me at the service of the people, and if something pulls me more strongly, I will not cut and run without warning. How does that sound?"
Fance's expression was, at first, passive, a detachment of emotion as they figure out what they want to say, but they harden moving into the final sentence, the words chosen were specific, seeking a reaction of some kind but not deceitful, not manipulative, honest through and through.
They nod, relaxing their own crossed arms to clasp Ithnis's hand firmly, "That I can agree with. We can discuss your needs in more detail in time, perhaps when we get a chance to breathe and celebrate how far we've come. When Celestine and Enx come back from gathering information I'm sure we'll be getting together to talk tactics, can I expect your input for that?"
With an agreement finally met, Ithnis relaxes a bit as well. A soldier allowed "at ease". They even permit a smile, subtle and delicate, but there. "I'd be glad to."
Fance melts into a great smile alongside them, "Wonderful, honestly, your knowledge will be invaluable. I'm a labourer by trade and, well, I've been keeping busy making arrow heads the last few hours. Actually... Is there any work you might need? Celestine wants some armour, Pandora's asked for a, well a bow but that doesn't do it justice, you know I think she's really quite the skilled marksman behind all of that, all that, you know?"
A bit more smile at the mention of Pandora. "There is a lot more to her, and somehow also just what you see, yes."
"My sword and hammer have served well so far, but if you have ideas on improving their effectiveness, or something sturdier than this," and she gestures at the simple leather armor, "I am keen to listen."
Fance stands up straight, head cocking side to side to look her over as they walk aside and away a step to really take Ithnis in, "Well, you're quite the soldier, aren't you? Athletic, I've seen you move incredibly deftly. Is the leather a personal choice? Keeping yourself light for travel I might guess?" Fance's eyes settle on the skeletal leg, watching how Ithnis holds herself, moves with it, might shift weight on or off it or show discomfort, "Or is there a concern with that about it?"
Ithnis pulls their shoulders back and stands at a stiffly attentive pose, pride showing on her face. "Thank you. I've worked hard to prove myself capable for multiple reasons. It's good to know it shows."
A small chuckle. "It's what I was given? I... never really considered getting something of my own. Though, I guess I didn't consider a lot of what has led me here, just did it." A small shrug. "Don't know I could afford better anyway."
Fance playfully swats at the air with a titter, "Oh gods, what would I do with coin here? No, no, you tell me what you think you need and I'll see what I can do. Definitely have enough to reinforce your leathers at least. Maybe a little length to your blade, some counter balance..." Fance's eyes roll into looking away, fingers twitching to some unseen mathematics as they think.
A few blinks. "Oh. Well, I honestly have no idea about that. I really haven't done enough to find faults yet. I'll trust your experience then? Craftsman's choice?"
With a friendly tap on her arm with the back of Fance's hand they nod in agreement and turn to start leaving with a smile, "Tell you what, I'll get back to work, leave you to think this over some more and I'll figure out what I've got left to work with and I'll get back to you about it."
"Fair enough." A nod in return, and they resume vigilance over this section of neighborhood.

Continue reading...

  1. My journey starts...
  2. An agreement is made.