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Mon 9th Nov 2020 03:21

The Brian Bjornsten Affair

by Orkallael di'Varne

Made contact at first dark. Quarry was in camp with two companions. A simple approach and brandished weapon sufficed to draw him out of camp while his companions were away. Perhaps I should spend more time practicing subtle movement? I haven't much needed it with my gun and my arm.
This bastard... just wouldn't stop whistling. When I asked him how he kept whistling with all the atrocities he committed, he just chuckled and said he'd "made his peace".
He'd made his peace.
Perhaps I should take a page from his book. Goddamn Brief Ones look at their short lifetimes and think it makes them natural-born philosophers; I suppose they only have so long to come to terms with their demise.
Riding into town I saw some urchin child slip away and figured it could only mean trouble--I was right. Despite my best intentions, I was ambushed by a sniper, who died quickly as I returned fire with my cursed-shot, and barred access to the inner gates by a strange man who didn't bleed when I put a hole through his chest.
I found myself trapped between the Bjornsten Gang and this uncanny gatekeeper, SO GODDAMN CLOSE and yet so far.
This criminal, this murderer, who I'd caught fair and square, brought in discreetly and efficiently, was being freed from my hands because the BRAINLESS FUCKING CITY GUARD couldn't hear GUNSHOTS outside their door. This man, who I was ready to claim the reward for and interrogate. This BASTARD.
My only option was to negotiate. They shot Ajax, poor creature, and I had no way out. This is why the only solace I find in company is that of machines. I need some manner of synthetic transport which doesn't require train tracks.
Standing there, cornered by between armed thugs and an undying freak, so close to my goal yet so far, I just felt so... lonely. More so than I have in a long time.
Bjornsten senior (?), funny enough, seemed to be motivated by the bonds of brotherhood, and he was willing to pay his brother's way out, along with some information: their short span of years crippled their understanding of the Kingsport Explosions, but they told me to contact the Oprishniki--the one faction I was hoping I needn't involve in my affairs. I feel... a sort of clarity in it now after this close call, though. I got my bounty money, my life, and directions: find Old Man Atum. He'll get me in contact with the Oprishniki.
Now there's just the matter of this strange, bloodless man left standing before me...