Journal Entry 1 by Arc | World Anvil

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Sun 27th Sep 2020 06:49

Journal Entry 1

by The Desert Gunslinger Arc

As I'm falling through this pit, I'm starting to think I *may* be suffering from... extreme amnesia. But that's alright, after all, that's what journals are for! But I guess I should recap what happened before.
After being reactivated, I met a group of seemingly nice adventurers doing who-knows-what. I decided to join them where we found a room full of statues. Getting bored while the egg-heads were experimenting, I shot one of the statues, which reanimated and attacked us. We made it out alive but... there were some strange occurances. First our dragonborn disappeared, and then I got transported... somewhere, I believe to another plane of existence. I saw a massive creature in the distance, which I attempted to hide from, before I was shifted back into the normal plane. I came back only to realize that a massive mummy king had come out of a sarcophagus, and was attacking my party. After some fighting, the other Warforged blew it up, which led to me dealing the finishing blow, a bullet to the head. If a final move, it broke the floor, and we are now caught up with events.

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  1. Journal Entry 1
  2. Journal Entry 2