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Learned Odaxis Wizbolt, esteemed member of the tinker's guild of the college of Applied Synergetics

Welcome to Barovia

by Learned Odaxis Wizbolt

These are the events recorded by the learned Odaxis Wizbolt good member in standing to the Tinker's Guild of the college of Applied Synergetics.
Day 1
Today started like any other day. I awoke from my nightly slumber immediately dressing myself I started inventory of my shop. Finding that I was out of wizbes, gears, and short on bolts I headed into town. After gathering supplies, I headed back to my shop. I had much work ahead of me. But, upon my arrival I saw smoke and heard a commotion. It was definitely in the direction of my shop. I quickly hurried back to witness my poor shop in ruins. This has Ogden Lockbolt written all over this! He's been jealous of my work for years! Ever since we were students at the college of Applied Synergetics! Once the fire was out and smoke slightly dissipated, I decided to recover as much as I was able to. As I headed into the cloud covered shop, I reappeared on a long unfamiliar road. No idea where I was no way to return home, I decided to head down the path. To my surprise a group of individuals like myself but, far inferior to my great intellect appeared in a similar fashion.
I had never seen such a diverse group of fellows! A bug bear of some holy nature, a shapeshifting orc and a She-fox I believe she called herself a kitsune. She wielded impressive magics. Unfortunately, we did come across a spot of trouble. A pack of large ferocious wolves. Necrotic in nature. Disgusting beasts! Our new and oddly strange group managed to fight them off. I of course did much of the work. If it wasn't for me Odaxis and my new creation Spartacus and of course Mundungus (homunculus) we would have never made it out alive. I bravely rescued the BugBear. He definitely owes me one.
As we continued down the road, I attempted to throw together my latest invention. A breathing apparatus. Shortly after we came into town and discovered that we were in a depressing dreary place called Barovia. I decided to head to what appeared to be what they would call a general store. If you can even call it a store. It was just as dreary as the rest of the place. But....regardless I found the pieces I needed to complete my breathing apparatus! I then went to a small tavern. Poor customer service and poor food. I was able to convince the irritating proprietor well...what I assumed was the proprietor of this establishment to serve me a better-quality meal.
While there I saw how inferior this group really was. A bugbear who sang off key, a drunken orc, and a very, very blitzed out of her mind fox! They are lucky they have me. I, Odaxis Wizbolt the competent one of the group decided out of the goodness of my heart I would help a sad looking man. His father had recently died, and he seems to be having trouble with a certain individual pursuing his sister.
We arrived later that day to the man's very disrepair mansion. Our group met with him and his sister. She seemed very distraught. Their father was laying dead in their home. Can you imagine that! old decrepit thing just lying there....Well as this woman, Irene talked the ears off my companions about their predicament. I noticed a large crossbow. I inspected it and made it better! From what Irene told our group they've been wanting to desperately bury their father at the old cemetery next to the church. Every person in town has refused to help lay Irene's father to rest. The party has agreed to help. We escorted the man & his sister to the church. The priest helped to lay the Burgermeister to rest.
While in the church I heard strange noises in basement. The bugbear and myself investigated and to our own eyes we saw the strangest sight! A man of skin and bones in such a distasteful and dreadful appearance. We decided to head back upstairs. As we were in the church a man in red appeared outside and banged on the door. The orc and priest refused to let him in. He claimed he wanted to pay his respects to the newly deceased. When entry was refused, he raised the dead outside. Our party fought them off as much as we could even at some point fighting what once was a man from the basement. But we all prevailed. Will we ever escape this Barovia?

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  1. Welcome to Barovia
    Learned Odaxis Wizbolt, esteemed member of the tinker's guild of the college of Applied Synergetics