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Session V: Journey to the Flood

by Ronan "The Hunter"

I HAVE BEEN RUNNING FOR 9 HOURS STRAIGHT! I was asleep for 2 hours after that, and when I went outside I saw myself? Ya pretty weird, but I saw what appeared to be a clone of myself. We decided to change clothes, which was weird, but it turns out he was a doppelganger. After that Celeste told me what happened to her in Castle Monroe and she fell asleep. Dawn was breaking out so I had to carry her to the flood lands. We set up camp at the beach, and I may or may not have thrown Celeste in the water... and I made some food, burned some soup... and I shot Takkir. we woke up and set off to the Flood lands. I totally got Celeste by talking into her ear, she thought I had psychic powers haha.

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  1. Session V: Journey to the Flood
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