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Sun 16th May 2021 11:41

Early days

by Carl Cershew

I was born in the small town of Dawncrest’s Heart, to my Mother Mary Hale and my Father Allen Cershew. I was the oldest of 2 siblings, Sara and Robert.
I grew up in a modest house in Dawncrest’s Heart and had a fairly happy childhood with several friends.
My father was a farmer, and my mother a seamstress, they sold their goods and wares to the larger towns of Mirror’s Edge and Duskdance, and occasionally traveling to the city’s of Dawncrest and Silverstar.
Occasionally the soldiers of the larger cities would pass through Dawncrest’s Heart to rest on their patrols or when they would be on their way to a battle, I always wanted to be as strong and as interesting as those soldiers were. Slowly I was able to train with my friend Alik Craig and his father Dale, I eventually became quite handy with a sword and shield.

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  1. Early days