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Fri 3rd Mar 2023 06:05

Update 3

by Guardian Neihter

Entry 6:
I decided to take a break from building and the whole ritual thing that occurred to go and see the community. Luckily Leaf was invited to a party and I went along as they invited me too. They were surprised as I accepted it thinking that I would not go.
The party was odd but enjoyable at least. It wasn't long lasted as an uninvited guest arrived and killed someone. Everyone was in a slight panic and leaf told me to take Krow to the waystone and send them home. It wasn't that far before leaf threw a potion of return on us just to make sure we got home.
I'm worried that leaf would get hurt and they haven't returned home in awhile so I worry about them. Right before the attack Leaf informed me that someone threatened them about the Allay and Witchdancer. I don't know who this is but they are going too far as to threaten my friend of 6 years. I feel as if I loose Leaf I'll end up going berserk like I did at the ritual. I would destroy everything just to make a point. I don't want to do that and I don't wanna loose anyone again.
I'll try and get information on this person.... and "solve" the problem if I need to.
Entry 7:

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