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Tue 7th Sep 2021 08:49

Change in plans

by Dhja'ar Majeer

After making some preparations for my vengeance trip to Balkwreath. She stops by Cliffspire to talk to my friend, Lucia Ul'Morna; A demon seamstress working within Cliffspire. We talked at length on personal matters my vengeance and what this one does afterwards. I hold loyalty to those i trust which is rare within itself. Trust is rare mineral, the toughest you ever come across when forged, before that Trust is fragile ore at the start of it all. This cosmic mettle; it must be tested through tough times, blazing flames and chaotic forces for if it breaks or bends it's unreliable. Though if it never yields with those hardy souls; you have staunch allies.
In any case with recent times, change is inevitable. Sometimes actions are required more so than patience.
Dhja'ar been patience enough, I need to annihilate this vile person of a man, J'hvorsa; neither protector, father nor trusted kin. This unworthy sire of hers needs to wiped off the face of this plane of existence. She also plans on burning every root and stem of the Awakened and those working for them.
Back on topic, I left on good terms with Lucia taking the reins in my stead. Bless Alsham to forgive me for what I have done. To correct the faults of the past and live in the present. As Dhja'ar left for the motherland of Angelism, she hopes she is doing the right thing. During the train ride something seemed off as I kept in contact with Kallisa; Auntie to Balthzar Al'Ruine of the Blackhand. I learned the Siren, the Necromancer, co leader of the Black hand has went missing as part of her horn was left behind. The communication between the Kallisa and Dhja'ar via sending stones revealed that much that happened in my absence. Somethings have come to light after much contemplation that might complicate things.
As Dhja'ar now stands on the precipice of her own design. These actions could change her life. She has paths to take, but need time to reflect upon and how to handle it. She wonder after some disturbing dreams which path is the right one? It would seem Alsham is not just testing her morals but conviction to come this far. After disembarking from the tramways finally in Balkwreath on 11th of Aurus. Her fate and choices from here on will change the nature of the game, she found herself in drastically for good or ill. Only time will tell....

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  1. Change in plans