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Sun 26th Feb 2023 03:30


by Rizar Tarn

Black , inky, Miasma... its all that consumed me for I don't know how long. I faintly remember something, its warm, comforting even, its home. I saw quick glimpses of a former life, what had appeared to be a small cottage with goods and merchandise, and a women with white hair and green eyes holds my face and says "Wake Up, Rizar You have work to do". Suddenly The Light, its Blinding. I awoke and I remembered "her" she was my mother Venita. Slowly I crawled out of my crypt And began wandering down the path. I found myself in a beautiful humble town called Aremore. I continued wandering until night came and found a festival happening in the town. I met a ton of new faces, I learned I'm undead, and met a kind ghost like me. I got to talk and play games with some new friends (everyone is so nice. I thought I would get attacked for being a poltergeist). Then the ceremony happened and I learned that the Tree Of Aremore's Stump was stolen, the Queen of Virk has been murdered. Shortly after the people of Aremore held a meeting to discuss what had just happened. I introduced myself to the rest of Aremore and we formed a plan. Me and my new acquaintance Sally investigated the remains of the stump and came to the conclusion that the only way the stump could be removed the way it was, was if a dragon or something large that could fly it over the trees picked it up and fly it away.
What an odd day...

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