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Unknown date, 806 POC - 25 Quersaar 806 POC

Session 1

by Nova

I woke up face down in a large dried-up lake, there are others here with me that I vaguely remember meeting in a tavern before this. After some introductions, we noticed that most of our stuff is scattered and/or missing. There are fish at the surface of the dirt-filled lake, still actively flopping so whatever happened must have been recent.
I dusted myself off and with Avon's assistance, along with the others, of course, we were able to recover some items listed below.
* Burnt Quest Board Post
* Burnt Page Showing a Diagram
* Burnt Map of Tal’Dorei Republic
* Burnt Sketchbook Page - Baerie’s
* Ripped Page From a Journal - Nova’s
* Half a Ripped Page From a Journal - Nova’s
* One-Third of a Ripped Page From a Journal - Nova’s
* A Small Piece of Paper - Kaiya
* One Flute
* One Fox Pendant
Looking over the notes I have been able to recover which look like my own handwriting make it apparent that we are missing more time than I originally thought and I have been travelling with these people for months.
Collected notes:
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30 Sydenstar 806 POC
I have arrived in Faircall. I was unable to talk to the Duchess Cotha Sarlen, however, her assistant Conor Riverson requested I stay at the Red Canary Inn. There I met the others who would be partaking in this quest. We did not talk much but decided to work together after the barkeep informed us that the last bunch of adventurers died. Apparently that is why the reward is so high.
31 Sydnestar 806 POC
After meeting with Duchess Cotha Sarlen no new information was given. The group decided to stay up on shifts to watch the town square in the center of Faircall… We failed… The shadow creature took more children.
32 Sydnestar 806
It was decided that we should follow a clue to Ocktin which is about two days away from Faircall. The group has decided to continue together. Morale is low.
-----------Half Page-----------
7 Quen’pillar 806 POC
I seem to have lost or forgotten where I put my original journal for this quest and journey. The last place I remember having it was in Moria after we visited Amta who started having similar issues to Faircall. As for the one I am writing in now, I got it in Shimore, a place I do not recommend.
8 Quen’pillar 806 POC
We finally returned to Faircall to a rather distressed Duchess. She asks us to run another errand for her in Ocktin. I don’t mind though as Ocktin has many herbs I can use to make useful potions.
9 Quen’pillar 806 POC
Something is very wrong in Frose. The trade routes are being disturbed by…
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4 Cuersaar 806 POC
Our lead is a dead end. The group suggests we head back to Ocktin to check out the ancient library for any information. Kaiya wants to stop by a lake, she thinks there is a lead there…
We collected the flute and fox pendant but I’m still not sure of their connections to anything…
As I was writing and discussing the next steps with the others we were surrounded by orcs. I was able to set off one of my glitter bombs on one of the groups but only one out of the three were affected. Results inconclusive more info needed. I was knocked out by one of the orcs and, as the others told me, stuffed in a bag.
(*Everyone else was also knocked out que game of hide and seek/whack- a- mole from Kaiya)

We woke up to find out we had been put in cages with all of our stuff missing. I am in a cell with Kurt while Baerie and Kaiya are in a cell together. There are other people here huddled in more cells and they are very battered and worse for wear. The bars of the cell are made of a very strange material that seems to absorb magick and glows when magick is used on it. The other caged people told us that the people here are not fans of magick users and are trying to kill them.
Kaiya attempted to wedge the bolt of the door off with something while Kurt just punched the bars of our cell. The sound alerted the guards and two of them came out to see what was going on. One of the guards (Timothy? I don't remember…) had a key but I wasn’t able to grab it off of him.
Kayia eventually got her door off and went north to see if they could find anything to get us out as well.
Kaiya came back with a set of thieves' tools and got us out. After retrieving my things I helped get the last of the cells open and stuck everyone's supplies in my bag.
We found out that the person inside of the Tel’thas (witches fire) is Lila Wildglow who we had also apparently met before from her familiarity with us and the notes we found in the rubble. She said we had found the missing children and were heading back to Faircall before the children were captured again. As Lila was finally consumed by the flame she yelled with her final words that “We must find the boy”
There was a sound to the south (probably someone knocking down the fence) and it was a dash to the exit, we were able to get out most of the people but the ones who had run off after we freed them from the cells were cut down by the guards who spotted them.
After running for a while we learned that we are in the Allversons Timberlands not very far from Faircall, but as the children were tired we settled in to rest for the night and will continue into town in the morning.
Unknown date, 806 POC?
The next day we made it into Faircall and most of the townsfolk came up to get their children and set up a way to get the children from other towns back. Duchess Cotha Sarlen came up to Kurt and Nova (as the others hid) to thank us for finally succeeding in bringing at least most of the people back. She paid for our night at the Red Canary Inn and we will meet her again in the morning for our reward.
According to the tavernkeep it is currently 24 Cuersaar 806 POC, 20 days after the last journal entry I was able to find…
Back in our rooms we had more introductions and talked about our plans before I left to bathe. I have been waking up in dirt way too often lately…
25 Quersaar 806 POC
In the morning I met the others downstairs for breakfast. Kaiya went up to collect Baerie but came down unsuccessful and sent Kurt up to collect him instead.
At the Duchess’s place she sent Connor up to get our payment for 25gp each. The Dutchess informed us that we have been helping out here in Faircall for the past three months and left for Ocktin two days ago to get components.
We went out to look for supplies for a bit but only Kurt was successful in buying anything he needed. We will probably have to go to Ocktin anyway and get the components we originally left for. We are leaving in the morning and will discuss where we should go next after that.

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  1. Session 1
    Unknown date, 806 POC - 25 Quersaar 806 POC
  2. Session 2
    26 Quersaar 806 POC - 29 Quersaar 806 POC