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Fri 2nd Feb 2024 01:14

Session I have no idea it's been like 3 months since we played

by ARZ-221

Wandering about the upper ring of the city to find the bank for the cube. Found a large building made of gears instead of bricks. My changeling companion is looking for a smith to submerge his cube in lead. I have managed to convince the Dragonborn smith that the changeling's cube is the ashes of my mechanical creator. We approached the gear building labeled theran dosnad. Behind the counter was a relatively tall drawf. Surprised to see a warforged, I ask him to help in identifying me. He installed a grappling hook in my arm that can launch 25 metres and descent a total of 200 metres.
We are going after the bounty of a group of bandits. I turned the head of the first bandit's head into a smoothie.