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Ven, 20th of Ardorus

Out of Darkness

by Ryvec Longstride

As soon as we exited those blasted sewers, it seemed that maybe things would improve. Fortune led a stray wizard to our encampment, who swears to have a friend proficient in necromancy. Providence, I suppose, is what led him to us. Perhaps it's from the Gods, their guiding hands leading us out of the dark for some greater purpose. That would be odd, given that Deimos has sworn an oath to slay the Gods.
It's strange, I was raised to believe in them, but lost my faith after seeing the war. I had convinced myself it was all stories to keep us from the cold darkness, and then Deimos comes along, swears that it is all real, and that he has a vendetta against them. I have so many conflicted feelings about that; on one hand I want to renew my faith, believe that if they are real then they must be good like the stories say. On the other hand, I trust Deimos. He reminds me of Pygmy - blunt, bold, and honest. Gods I miss all of them. I want to go home, but I can't. I'm on this damn fool crusade trying to prepare for a fight that may never come. And even if I could do it, I'm never getting my titles back. Perhaps I should just focus on the present, start a new life here. I could try and convince the gang to come and join me here; but that would be horribly unfair. They have families to take care of, and I... Do not.
But now we have to find a way to get these damn deathbands off of us; luckily Deimos and I found a way to get us all to Pentarae. Hopefully the rest of the group doesn't do anything stupid on the way and we can all move past this nonsense.

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  1. Waning Moons
    19th of Ardorus, 774
  2. Out of Darkness
    Ven, 20th of Ardorus