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Fri 31st Dec 2021 12:39

Savrial's Tragic Backstory

by Savrial

Savrial started his life in the Feywild, a strangely magical and wonderful place. The kind of place that all beings would want to go to; or at least that is how Savrial remembered it. It has been more than 40 years since he and his sibling were brought here to the material plane, and 35 since they settled in Humblewood.
Brought here by the treachery of their evil twin brother Aslan, Savrial and Morgana were stolen in the night by forces unknown to either of them. Their brother had told a trader of their beauty and magical prowess in hopes of trading their freedom for very rare and magical item. However, the joke was on them as Morgana was definitely the ugliest Faerie dragon to have ever lived.
Once in the material plane, Savrial and Morgana escaped their captors by cleverly slipping out of their bonds and tricking the guard into a game of hide and seek. Alas, their captor never won that game. It was touch and go for the first five years as he and his sister were hunted through the human lands until they came to settle in the only place they would be accepted, Humblewood.
However, these last 35 years did not go by without incident. Over the years Savrial and Morgana had tried to track down those that stole them in hopes of returning to their home and their family, sans Aslan. They had traced their arrival to that of the carnival and hope to find the answers they so desperately want and return to the home they were slowly forgetting.
Over the years Savrial has trained to become faster and stronger, hoping that his agility and speed will help him on his quest. Morgana on the other hand has decided that magic was the way home after learning about some spells that might allow them to travel the planes without the aide of anyone else. Though they both were new to their respective vocations, they both showed great aptitude.
On a side note, Savrial has had some problems with ropes since his arrival to the material plane. He assumed it was because they worked differently on this plane, but he is beginning to suspect differently. Maybe the carnival owners will have some information on that one.

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  1. Savrial's Tragic Backstory
  2. Carnival Fun