
Session 0.1: Men-brulee

by Sergeant Eimear รณ Duinn

Mother fucking dragons. Little green snot colored bastard. Took a good man today. And - well - most of me too. Can't believe the thing was so far down from the mountain. The plan almost worked, too. Lure it out away from the outpost, get it fixated on me, whilst I try to stay out the way. And let the archers do what they're good at, and turn the bloody thing into a porcupine. Didn't quite go as planned, though. Little bugger's fast as anything - took me by surprise. I'll be honest, if the sergeant of the outpost didn't come out with a hammer to help, I'd have been dinner. As it is, I look like bloody steak tartar. Radge'll fix me upright. I know he said two days, but he's always been a miracle worker. He'll get me together in one and we'll be on our way to the next outpost. And with Lear, the noob, too. Well, at least he's seen what's out there now. A bit of fear at the beginning's healthy, I guess. Can't have Captain O'Leary telling me off for turning myself into mincemeat...
Session date: Oct 26th 2020
In-game date: 15/4/3000
Radge= medic
1 scout: Patrick O'Flannerty
1 noob+: Sean Jameson
1 novice: Lear
2 archers: Nora Phelps, Radge O'Brian
2 swordsmen: Braeth O'Toole, Jack Treather

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  1. Session 0.1: Men-brulee