Sat 27th Jan 2024 11:31

Diary Entry 2

by Lucielle Elusaria

Dear Diary,
Today was another day filled with excitement and new discoveries! We gathered outside Origin's gates with my new friends, Scout, Rickie, NoX, Yu, and Rui, ready for our grand adventure. Quilla asked us to help NoX find his missing friends near the Thunderrock Mountains, and I couldn't wait to lend a helping hand!
NoX surprised me with his revelation that he's a practitioner of the arcane arts and that he's a warforged made to look like a dragonborn! It's so amazing how diverse and fascinating my friends are! Rui also shared that she's a skilled blacksmith, and I'm excited to see her talents in action!
As we journeyed onwards, I couldn't help but marvel at the sights and sounds of Livros. The bustling travelers and varied landscapes filled me with wonder and joy! Rickie, who's so small and adorable, rode on my back to save his little legs from tiring too quickly. It was like having a tiny, furry companion on our journey!
But as night fell, things took an unexpected turn when we discovered goblinoid tracks near the camp. Scout and Rickie bravely went to investigate while the rest of us made camp. Yu tried to sniff out something mysterious, while Rui found a nearby stream to refresh herself.
As the night sky filled with moons and clouds, and the flames of the goblinoids danced in the distance, I couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and anticipation for the adventures that lay ahead. With my friends by my side, I know we can overcome any challenge and uncover the secrets of Livros together!
Until next time, diary!
With love and excitement,
Lucielle Elusaria

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  1. Diary
  2. Diary Entry 2
  3. Diary Entry 3