A Day in Harlaton by Quinneon | World Anvil
4th of May, 1542

A Day in Harlaton

by Quinneon Burrfoot

The bustling atmosphere of the Harlaton Market filled the air as we arrived, ready to immerse ourselves in the lively scene. Ava went ahead to assist Balton with some wood while I stayed behind, taking in the sights and sounds of the market. The talk of the town revolved around the growing concern over the expanding New Mire, with blame being assigned and questions raised about Old Man Carman's role in the matter.
As I observed the crowd, my attention was drawn to Will The Beekeeper, engaging in heated gossip about the New Mire. His disdainful glances in Maura's direction piqued my curiosity, and it seemed that others were equally engrossed in his words.
Suddenly, a commotion broke out as Albin came rushing towards us, closely pursued by a menacing black cat. Without hesitation, Gordrenn stepped forward to protect Albin, but he was quickly overpowered by the feline's assault. Swiftly, the rest of our group rallied together, forcing the cat to retreat. In the midst of the chaos, Ava returned to witness the cat's hasty departure and engaged in a brief conversation with Theo regarding Gordrenn's injuries.
Albin explained that he, Bron, and Katrin had been playing outside of town when the cat attacked them, causing them to scatter. Despite our attempts to convince him otherwise, Albin insisted on helping us locate the missing children, feeling responsible for their well-being.
With Albin as our guide, we embarked on a journey to their last known whereabouts. Fahlkor, my loyal eidolon, adeptly tracked the trail left by Bron and Katrin. After a thorough search, we stumbled upon Katrin's abandoned crossbow, which I handed to Chinatsu. The trail led us up a steep ascent along one of The Terraces and across a field of rutabagas. Eventually, we found Katrin perched in a tree, who directed us to a small hole where Bron had sought refuge.
The entrance to the hole was narrow, requiring Chinatsu to transform into a fox and venture inside. As he descended, the slippery walls and steep slope proved treacherous, resulting in a minor mishap. Once inside, Chinatsu discovered a small boy and an unmoving figure. Our focus shifted to finding a way to rescue them, but we soon realized that the cave ceiling was infested with bloodsuckers.
Meanwhile, Ava successfully convinced Katrin and Albin to return home while ensuring them that we would rescue Bron. Determined, the entire party descended into the cave, aided by Maura's dancing lights illuminating our path. Amidst the dim light, I noticed a desiccated corpse with a floating stone near its head. Without hesitation, I retrieved the stone and a money pouch from the corpse's belt.
Together, we fought off multiple waves of bloodseekers, valiantly defending ourselves while ensuring everyone's safety. The harrowing ordeal concluded with our successful escape from the cave, our mission accomplished and the children rescued.
In the aftermath of the chaotic events, I couldn't help but reflect on the interconnectedness of fate and the bravery exhibited by our group. As we returned to Harlaton, the weight of our recent experience mingled with a sense of accomplishment, knowing that we had made a difference in the lives of those we had saved.

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  1. A Day in Harlaton
    4th of May, 1542
  2. Arriving in Thurmaster
  3. Mutants in the Mire