Mon 26th Apr 2021 09:07

My first day of class.

by Pia Ballost

Hey there, I need some stuff off of my chest, so here it goes...
It started on our second day, we woke up to Gerald having made us some breakfast! It was really sweet, but I think I should teach him that you have to take the bits of eggshell OUT of the omelette. Then again, he's still very young, and it was such a sweet gesture, so I still enjoyed it.
We also found out that Elono had done his own bit of partying, in the form of a stolen mailbox in our front yard... As weird as it is to get drunk by yourself and steal other people's mailboxes, I have to say I found it pretty funny too. I'll return that to the owners so he doesn't have to, maybe I can get to know them as well :D
We went to our first classes, I was sooo excited :D. I had IDA, ITIMT and BAS. They're pretty fun classes, but I'm really looking forward to C&O-S tomorrow. I spoke some to Barry and talked to some more classmates. After class I went to the library to see if I could get access to it, but the line there was suuuper long! I didn't want to wait in line for too long, as I wanted to meet up with my dormmates again! I was walking back when I saw some girls pointing and laughing at me. I didn't want to attract any attention, so I just let my head down and kept walking. Maybe I did something dumb at the party last night... Yeah, I'm sure that's it...
Just as I walked past them I heard a familiar voice next to me: "Hey Pia!". I quickly turned to look and it was Ash! She saw what was happening and walked up to the girls (she's pretty brave, it really suits her). I didn't want her to get in trouble for something I did, so I told her to just leave it, but then these girls started to make fun of her too! They were pretty mean to her, but that was a pretty mistake on their end, as Ash PUNCHED one of them square in the face!!! Franklin got called and I helped the other girl back up, we got off lucky and just went home. When we got home I had a serious talk with Ash. I really appreciate that she would stand up for me like that, but I can take care of myself.
We were talking when Franklin showed up. I thought we were in big trouble for the fight, but that wasn't the case. We were in huge trouble for something else: BRAD WAS MISSING!
But wait, it gets better:
After Franklin left we decided to keep cool and just go about our day for a bit. Gerald proposed getting into Brad's house to see if we could find any clues. Most of us decided that would be a bad idea, but honestly I had an idea to get into brad's house in a less illegal way. I also wanted to go talk to Barry to tell him what happened, he should know what happened, in case we won't show up to class anymore... I asked Franklin if I could assist in the investigation and inspect Brad's house to see if I could remember anything I may have forgotten due to my -consumptions- last night, but he said no. It was worth a shot...
We're getting ready for bed now, I'm emotionally drained and I think the others feel the same. Maybe tomorrow it'll be better...
And if not, at least I have the others of M193.

Continue reading...

  1. My first day!!
  2. My first day of class.