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14th of the Third Moon

Cold, Iron Heart

by Zeisolf Von Hochmond

Made it back to Illmire from the Fungal Caves. Before we left, Elayne made another deal with Euryte. Promised to tell her how to have more enticing trades as well as prank a ruler known as the Mountain King before the next blue moon. Apparently, he is a giant who lives atop the Klepperhorn. I promised to help her with her prank against this King. A Hochmond, pulling pranks. I'm sure Father would be writhing had he heard of this. Perhaps he will, should I survive my adventures with this party. It's the least I could do though, Elayne has been a trusted companion since I joined this group. Though she did try to pet me. She also gave a lock of her hair to Euryte to gift me these elven boots. I owe her. And I know how to deal with any Fey like Euryte now. At least, I hope.
After the deal was agreed upon, Elayne told her about gold. A trick, it seems. Although, I'm not sure if Elayne actually knows herself that the information she gave her was not helpful. Proving Elayne wrong, the naiad tried to buy my Moonblade. Of course I refused. Ah yes, I forgot the thing she even traded for. Some part of an instrument. Unsure what she needs it for.
With Yarras Swampdrinker leading us, we arrived at Illmire. We bid the man controlled by the cultists to work for them, Hennec, farewell. I gifted him some coin, to help him as he got adjusted back to living his life. It won't make up for what has been done to him, nor the sins of my family. My sins. Those two men at the Copperclaw mines, torn to shreds by claw marks. MY claws. Why can't I be more like my family, caring little for others? They would not have given those two men a second thought. Yet I am plagued by the sight. I must restrain myself from using lycanthropy. Nearly died against the undead giant though. Didn't use it during that battle. Should I have? Would I have come out of it less injured? Or would I have attacked Vermillion, or Yarras, or Bibimbap?
Euryte did give me something though, without me even needing to trade for it. I took Bibimbap to Crellmont's. I attempted to bargain with them, I needed the heraldry crest above on his roof. I pledged my family to their aid, Pietuland didn't buy it though. Don't have that authority. So, I pledged myself. Bibimbap wondered why he was there. I wanted to surprise him, but he didn't like it. Suppose most people don't like secrets or surprises. Most likely why Lucy left. Need to find her.
Obtained the crest, found inside was Cold Iron. Not much, enough to make a spear or dagger. Showed to Bibimbap. He didn't seem impressed. I thought myself clever. No one else in the party paid attention to Euryte's deals. Foolish of her to tell people where to find materials that can harm her. Not sure how effective Cold Iron is though. Apparently, Fey can never be totally killed. But either way, I have a means to protect Elayne and everyone else from Fey. Perhaps I can force Euryte to give Elayne's lock of hair back.
Trying to teach Vermillion to drop, carry, and pick up items that I have commanded him too. First training heeded no results. Will try again when I have free time. On the morrow we plan to head to the Observer's tower. Don't like him. Wanted live specimens from us. Live specimens. He's quite like my father. I see now why I don't like him.

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  1. Cold, Iron Heart
    14th of the Third Moon
  2. The Eye Over Illmire
    15th of the 3rd Moon
  3. Shadowplay