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Tue 21st Nov 2023 12:59

The Very Long Day!

by Aella Aura

We were transported to a hunting lodge (assuming) while looking for the Red Wizard. The party explored the cabin where a set of amour was found, which I donned. (At first, I did not think I could shoulder the weight of the amour. But when placed, the amour seemed light as air.) We exited the lodge, straight into a fight. We learned very little from the interrogation before we dispatched the fiend.
We thought we were in the clear. The party was surrounded by cultists, kobolds, humans, a dragonclaw, and woman who appeared to be in charged. Learning her name to be Talis, we were summoned (dragged more like it) to her quarters. Talis proposed a deal: we dispatch Rezmir and Varram [Talis was passed up for a "mask"?]. She gave us leave (if you could call it that) to search in a town called Parnast.
Arriving in Parnast was not uneventful. The party noticed a shrine, a stable, a castle looming in the distance, and some homes. We approached the shrine and spoke to, I am assuming, one of the villagers. He warned us not to ask questions and to keep our heads down. The village did not take kindly to Elvish kind, as apparent by the defaced God of Spring, Angardi.
We ventured into the Golden Tankard where our Tiefling bought us a round of ale and mead. We spoke to the owner(?) Ragnar. While speaking to the owner, one party member decided to not adhere to the warning of the villager. We also noticed someone in the back try to catch our eye. Before speaking with the patron, we decided to leave.... and walk straight into an ambush. The party, very distressed and exhausted, slayed the foes finding an Amulet of Takhisis.
Knowing we really had to rest, we walked into the stables to find a place to sleep. What we found were 2 wyverns chained up. The beasts seemed starved. We fed the bodies to the wyverns in hopes they would be able to transport us out of the town to a safer place to rest. Aella was able to charm the beasts and we could ride them. However, leaving the stables were 4 cultuist looking figures. I easily dispatched them with a powerful spell, and we were off.
The wyvrens dropped us off in the forest where we were able to finally rest. Hopefully, we will have a much better day tomorrow. Though, I do not think we will. Two of our party members are at each others throats. I hope they don't kill each other.