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Tue 21st Nov 2023 07:49

Day 1 of Adventure

by Athelas Greenleaf

A flash glared in my eyes knocking me out cold on the ground, unconscious, so much for my first day outside of Port Shagwell. I dunno how long I have been unconscious but I wake up to the sight of 9 people inside an underground cell. A small family of half-elves like me but with white hair and grey eyes enamored with bruises and scars both fresh and old. I wish there was more I could do for them but we're stuck in the same boat. A shifty pixie, strange bard bearing coconuts, eccentric half-elf sorcerer, and Tiefling in holy clothing. Quite an unusual pair of company but I have seen worse from my family's inn. However, it doesn't matter I am going to need some help getting out of this hell.

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