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Gvaed, Aldur

Manner of ghouls, hags and wraiths

by Florence

The master in Gvaed is called Raven, he reminds me of my master Galan. I've decided to join the old school of blood hunters, called witchers.
Had to go through a few trials and slay a basilisk and a wyvern. Tomorrow's my final witcher trial, called trial of grasses.
It's over. I've been through agony. I drank the poison and felt my flesh melt. I have no idea how long it took, but the physical pain was unbearable I blacked out from it. Everyone in Gvaed seems to respect me, now that I've passed the exam. I made new friends.
Tomorrow me and Uribal are gonna slay an undead. The contract is for 100gp, pretty hefty price.
(the following text has been crossed out, there are only a few words visible)
----------shadow in Gvaed --------- dead ---------- it knows.----------- Raven helped ---------------- Don't think about it, it knows!!!!
I had to cross out everything above for safety reasons. It's not undead. It's not alive. It's a shadow, scared of light.
(there's a symbol in the journal, it looks like a V with a signle line going through it)
She took Rolo's soul. I was hiding, but she knew about me all along.
"See you in ziggurat, Florence." she said, as she disappeared.

Continue reading...

  1. First mornin'
    Vaesmur, Numeria
  2. On the road
  3. Aldur
    Aldur/Embernam border
  4. Yeah fuck this place
    Fucking Aldur
  5. Zolan
    Tower of Aldur's Guardian, Aldur
  6. Yeah fuck this place two
  7. don't go under the church
    Goblin camp, Aldur
  9. Vaazul
    Voxentrul, Aldur
  10. More deaths
    Voxentrul, Aldur
  11. Bart
    Voxentrul, Aldur
  12. I killed another
    HENLANDYR, Aldur
  13. Mr.T.
    Swamps of Gilgar, Aldur
  14. Am I the monster?
    Swamps of Gilgar, Aldur
  15. The price for prejudice
    Voxentrul, Aldur
  16. To save the baby
  17. Gvaed
    Gvaed, Aldur
  18. A Curse?
    Castle near Voxentrul, Aldur
  19. Manner of ghouls, hags and wraiths
    Gvaed, Aldur