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1st Duscar 835PD

Letter to Rebur

by Zenirith

Good'ay Rebur,
I thought I would get this in first and apologise for for how bloody badly written this letter is (will be). We never really wrote letters on the ship and I don't really have anyone else to write to so I suppose you are taking my letter virginity to a certain extent.
By the time this letter reaches you, it will have been six months since you dragged me off the shores of Lake Drynna and I wanted to write to you to let you know how I am doing and how this group of 'Unbroken' seem to be getting on.
Right, so cracking on, this group are even more of a mixed up fuck-bundle than what was on the Wildehammer. Some days I think that we are not going to be able to come to an agreement on the correct direction and then through some dumb luck or divine intervention (I know that is how you like to view it) we seem to wangle our way through. It hasn't always been plain sailing (that I definitely know) but it sure has been exciting.
I thought that Ceri and I would find it difficult to gel but we seemed to have found our calling (or at least I have found a benefit). With her stunning looks and her deep religiousosity (I think I heard someone call it that last week) and my thick tones and let's say morals, from many years on the Hammer, we seem to have formed a sort of good cod - bad cod combo.
Now of course Sabali I know, or at least, I thought I did but with each day that passes I feel that I know him less and less. This shadetemple he speaks of has done a number on him I tell you. It will be nice to spend some time with him and hopefully the little Sabali that I know will still be in there somewhere. But I will have to try and catch the fucker first because he whizzes around like a shade out of the shadowrealm. I think I may try and learn how to slow him down a little, I will need to have a think about the equations involved for such a spell.
I am getting to know the rest of the group and I am enjoying the banter at times, although this lot are a little precious compared to the previous bunch but I will get Arin to start swearing regularly if it's the last bloody think I do in this world.
Although it may sound like I am enjoying myself and to a certain extent I am but, I do worry that they are too different to me. My outlook on life is very different to a lot of theirs and I don't know how aligned we will be when it comes to going forward from here. I have things I need and desire to do so I cannot simply go around helping every poxy old lady across the street if all I am gonna get is a pat on the head or a thank you. I am not adverse to doing this but in the end of the day it has got to be a means to an end, hasn't it?
On this note, could I ask that you check in on that woman as frequently as you can. It still sits heavy on my mind and although I didn't know anything had happened until afterwards, I still feel the burden of guilt.
The other reason I am writing to you is because I needed to send you some dingers. One thing I have learnt is that you have to pay your debts and although working for you for a few months must've helped (especially with the state of the cooks in that kitchen of yours) I want to start paying it off properly. You never know, one day I might feel like I can stop sending you a thank you but you have given me a new chance at life Rebur and this is something that I cannot and will not forget.
P.S This messenger looked mighty shifty but he was the best I had at the time. He should be handing you 100 gold and if he doesn't, just remind him gently by saying "Zeni controls water" and he will know what you mean.

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  1. Letter to Rebur
    1st Duscar 835PD