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Sun 18th Oct 2020 05:46

Petra journal entry two

by Petra Ashblade

HOW THE FUCK DID WE SURVIVE I’ve been through hellish waters before but that! THAT! What the fuck is going on? This is why fuck the gods fuck anything like the gods.
So After getting out from the water Goldie, tall-Zora really should try to call her that.
Angelface, chaymilla and Cassandra we all go back to shore and save a fish woman.
A fucking fish woman i’ve never seen someone like that in my life, honestly I wish she could have given us some of those scales to sell. Zora gave me a smack for that.
Anyway, we almost went into a raging mob! Because Cassandra keeps trying to keep the peace fucking soldiers let the town burn down if it must change. We went back to the inn for a short bit and fucking javelin woman stared at me when i was trying to dry my clothes.
We got chewed out by some guy with a stick so far up his own ass i can see it in his eye,
Then we went off to the docks because fuck this guy we’re going to solve this and find that guy the others seem to know well.
Luckily I saved zora’s ass because i know how to work around a port town and talk the lingo when needed. I think Saskia would be proud, well hopefully.
THEN WE FOUGHT A BIRD WITH ARMS I swear to fuck I Hate singing now. The first bard that tries to sing around me I’m going to punch in the face. No even better smack them with my sword
I gotta remember to thank goldie for all her help and tell Lilith thanks for missing me with that shot at least.
Zora got a good grapple on her and chaymilla landed that great final blow.
On the way back the group is letting me keep the cool dagger.
After the fight I SPENT A NIGHT IN HOLDING I HAD TO SLEEP ON A COLD FLOOR. Cold ass floor I mean it’s great for my back but come on.
After that too many people thanking the group far too many I was able to slip away and sit with Anra luckily, she’s doing okay so far. And it was much nicer with her than it would have been inside with all those people.
I can handle that group mostly, just not all those strangers.
Then when some food got brought out to me so i could eat with anra
Zora came by and was nice.. She explained the shorty thing. It makes sense and i cooled my head. I tried to explain a little more of why i am having such outbursts. She reminds me of Tamara but I can’t say that she reminds me of Tamara. Well all the good of her.
I’m still so sorry Tamara and Saskia.
But I decided I would trust her with my last name as a show of good faith.
Then we finally left town after a bit more rest and shopping.
I hope the next town will have a book shop I need to find answers about this helm and anra.

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  1. Petra journal entry two
  2. Petra journal entry 3