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Sun 3rd Dec 2023 07:31

Luce's Nightmare

by Luce Virtues

The party is in the thieve's guild resting. Luce is woken by a strange feeling - the nightmare. The party starts immediately into combat within Luce's dream.
During the fight: Lynx turns into an ice dragon, the nightmare stomps Darian out of existence after he serves 70 pts worth of dmg in one turn, Bemoans plays a game of chicken (he is the chicken with the nightmare, Morrigan opens a portal to a water realm that results in an old faithful sized geyser in the middle of the room, and Luce works in tandem with Lynx to keep the nightmare from healing. When the nightmare hits half health a pool of black seeps out from it that has hands that grab at Darian, Bemoans, and Morrigan. When Darian lets go of his mortal coil his echo Varian holds him as he fades and is pulled into the darkness made by the nightmare.
During the fight Luce thinks she hears yelling in the back of her mind to wakeup, but can't tell if it is her hope that this is just a nightmare or if she truly is dreaming.
Bemoans is the next to fall. After the nightmare chucks Lynx into the wall knocking him prone and destroying the bookshelf. After doing this the nightmare moves the darkness to encompass Morrigan and Luce standing on some boxes. Luce is restrained by the darkness as it tries to pull her deeper. Luce summons a fey to aid the battle after more of her party falls prey to the nightmare. After the fey attacks the nightmare it falls to its knees as the final antler crumbles to the ground and emits a blood curdling death throw and the world fades to black as Luce wakes up in her bedroll screaming, drenched in sweat, everyone left having died from that psyonic scream.