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Thu 4th Feb 2021 06:05

Session One

by Han Salvaase

'It was a boring day yesterday since I lost my tools in the cave I need to buy new ones, that should drain my purse. Maybe more jobs will solve that crisis. Yes, I know, Journal, I need to go back to tracking the Order of the Pit but I do not think I'm ready to fight them. I can barely shoot my own gun properly. I'll train first. Why do you think I'm seeking jobs so much. Sigh. ~Han Salvaase.'
Later found some work in a tavern about a mage attack in a nearby town. Travelled off to there and saw a town filled with fires, and banditry. Taking down some of the bandits, I found the cause of the fires. A rogue apprentice mage. Taking him down was way enough. Got some money and some congratulations from the townspeople.

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  1. Session One